Fetches a list of taxonomy subjects supported.
Request Structure Detail
The subjects are bucketed based on the curriculum of interest. Hence, listing of subjects requires the classification value to be input. There are three values currently supported:
- k_12 : for K-12 subjects
- higher_education : for subjects covered at higher education, which is typically grade 10+
- professional_learning : for subjects available at professional learning
Response Structure Detail
API returns an array of supported subjects as JSON object. The JSON object is structured as detailed below:
- id : subject id
- title : display value for the subject
- code : internal subject code
- frameworks : array of frameworks that are available at this subject.
Each framework object is a JSON object with following keys:
- standard_framework_id : id identifying the standards framework
- title : title for the standards framework
- taxonomy_subject_id : code identify the subject at the standards framework
- taxonomy_subject_title : display value for the subject at the standards framework
Access token is needed
Authorization: Token [anonymous_access_token]