Integrating Gooru Application Widget

Gooru application can be also embedded in a 3rd party application, any of the existing pages can be accessed directly.

Embedding the app

  • Include the script application-widget.js at your html page
  • Include an HTML element to embed the application, the id gooru-application-container is required
  • Add the application script to start up the app aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', options)

  <div id="gooru-application-container"></div>

  <script src="../application-widget.js"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    (function () {
      var aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', {
        "appRootPath": "../",
        "transition": [ 'player', 'b6170219-5841-46b8-9c6a-d684bc457538', { queryParams: { type: 'collection', role: 'student' }}]



Indicates where the application-widget.js is hosted, another resources would be loaded from there

Default: ""

aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', { "appRootPath": "../" };


It is used to indicate the page to be presented to the user, it is an array having the route name, route params and query params

Default: sign in page

aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', {
  "appRootPath": "../",
  "transition": [ 'player', collectionId, { queryParams: { type: type, role: 'student' }}]

token (optional)

It contains an authorized Gooru token, the application will start a user session with it

Default: anonymous

aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', {
        "appRootPath": "../",

sourceId (optional)

It contains an sourceId identifying the customer, most of the time is used by LTI communication

Default: ""

aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', {
    "appRootPath": "../",
    "sourceId": aebbfd-45454

themeId (optional)

Gooru provides several UI themes, this property indicates which css rules should be loaded

Default: gooru
Possible Values: gooru, london

aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', {
        "appRootPath": "../",
        "themeId": london


When setting up the widget it is possible to enable or disable functionality, the features property is a json object containing the features to be disabled.

Default: all features are enabled

  features: {
    header: {
      enabled: true
    collections: {
      player: {
        showReactionBar: true,
        showReportLink: true
header.enabled - Useful to hide the application header
collections.player.showReactionBar - Useful to hide the reaction bar at the collection player
collections.player.showReportLink - Useful to hide the player summary report
aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', {
    "appRootPath": "../",
    "collections": {
        "player": {
          "showReactionBar": false,
          "showReportLink": false

application properties

When setting up the widget it is possible to set any other application property, any property you add needs to match the name expected by the application.

aw = new ApplicationWidget('#gooru-application-container', {
        "appRootPath": "../",
        "endpoint" : {
          "url": "",
          "secureUrl": ""
        "realTime": {
          "webServiceUrl": "",
          "webSocketUrl": "",
  "appRootPath": "/", //default is root
  "endpoint" : {
    "url": "",
    "secureUrl": ""

  "realTime": {
    "webServiceUrl": "",
    "webServiceUri": "/nucleus/realtime",
    "webSocketUrl": "",
    "webSocketUri": "/ws/realtime"

  "teams": {
    "url": ""

  "player": {
      "pdf": {
        "googleDriveEnable": false,